FDA proposes graphic warnings on cigarette packages

The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday rolled out a proposed rule to require tobacco companies to include graphic warnings on cigarette packages and tobacco ads with the aim of promoting “greater public understanding of the negative health consequences of smoking,” the agency said in a statement.

Why is women’s Alzheimer’s risk higher than men’s?

Scientists are beginning to understand why Alzheimer’s disease affects more women than men and why the disease seems to progress more quickly in women’s brains. The explanation appears to involve social, biological and genetic differences, researchers reported Tuesday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Los Angeles.

Simple ways to prevent falls in older adults

As we age, the risk of falling increases and becomes increasingly perilous. A fall can be a real health setback for a frail, elderly person. And, more older adults are dying from falls today than 20 years ago. A recent study showed that more than 25,000 U.S. adults age 75 or above died from a fall in…

How to pick a doctor — or break up with one

Finding a good primary care doctor can feel a little bit like dating. It’s awkward. Your expectations are high. You know it’s rough out there, but you’re still secretly hoping to find the one. So where do you begin? Just like dating, finding a doctor you click with is all about trusting your intuition.

Juul doesn’t need to advertise to young people

Following intense scrutiny from public health professionals and the government, Juul announced it would try to reach fewer young people with its advertising in the U.S. The company terminated its Instagram and Facebook accounts. However, according to a study  in the BMJ journal Tobacco Control, and interviews with several researchers, Juul’s recent efforts are unlikely to…

Rural residents with a disability face financial insecurity

According to a recent poll NPR conducted with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 49% of rural Americans couldn’t afford a sudden expense of $1,000. The percentage was much higher — 70% — for people who, like Carol Burgos, have disabilities.

Mental health parity still elusive goal in insurance coverage

Many patients struggle to get insurance coverage for their mental health treatment, even though two federal laws were designed to bring parity between mental and physical health care coverage. Recent studies and a legal case suggest serious disparities remain.

Do you really need 10,000 steps a day?

There’s nothing magical about the number 10,000. In fact, the idea of walking at least 10,000 steps a day for health goes back decades to a marketing campaign launched in Japan to promote a pedometer. And, in subsequent years, it was adopted in the U.S. as a goal to promote good health. It’s often the default…

What you should know about vaccines for adults

We’re used to kids needing lots of shots to ward off lots of illnesses, but what about adults? The CDC recommends that adults get multiple vaccines for conditions ranging from tetanus to influenza to cervical cancer.